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December 18, 2007


Stephanie  Ryan

I was recently watching a TED Talks link regarding PANGEA day, May 10th, (www.pangeaday.org) all around the world (180 countries) for 4 hrs, people will gather to watch the same films, to see the world through someone elses eyes, tapping into the power of film to cross borders and create more understanding- it was Jenane Noujam's 2006 TED WIsh for winning the $100,000 prize and her effort toward world peace... she is the Director of Control Room. Check out the site, listen to her TED talk and I encourage all World Cafe facilitators to host an event and follow it with WorldCafe conversation. As I read through the site, I'm concerned the real leverage for this kind of event is in the conversation that follows, especially if that conversation is facilitated via the elegant, participatory structure of a Worldcafe, feels like a wonderful match up. I hope you agree.
steph ryan, whidbey. WA

Amy Lenzo

You're absolutely right, Steph, and I think many World Café hosts (along with many others) did have follow up conversations after this amazing PANGEA day!

I'd love to hear more about your own experience watching the films and the conversations that followed...


I am fascinated by the march gathering. Environmental stewardship seems to be taking hold as an underground movement in my region. Business is only now catching on its critical importance.

Anyone use environmental stewardship as a workplace team building tool? Please share how you are doing it. I need evidence to bring forth in my community.

Wanda Kolomyjec

Is there a participant pledge somewhere on the website for hosts to give to participants at the start of the cafe to set ground rules and etiquette?

amy lenzo

Hi Wanda! Thanks for writing. I'm not sure I understand your question correctly, but let me try: World Cafes always start with the host welcoming participants, conveying the World Cafe Etiquette, and giving them context for the rounds of conversation to come. Does that help?

There are a number of resources for World Cafe hosts on our website that outline the Cafe Etiquette. One is the free "Cafe To Go" booklet and another is a free printable graphic image of the Cafe Etiquette in three sizes - both are available in the "Tool Kit."

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