The World Cafe Process: Room Set Up
The goal of this set up is to provide an atmosphere that feels like a Café, not a traditional conference or meeting room. That can include dimming the lights and playing music as participants enter. Include a hand-made welcome sign on a flip chart as people enter.
Small tables that seat four, set up Café style, in a random distribution around the room. Four chairs at each table.
Checkered tablecloths or other informal colored cloths. If none exist, then white will work. Depending on numbers, I can bring table cloths (I have 20 or so).
Two pieces of flipchart paper works the best for covering the top of each table. You can also use mural paper over tablecloths, or 11X17 paper place mat style.
One glass on each table, holding 5 or more colored pens -- small or medium tip felt tip pens, water based so they don't bleed through paper. Sharpie markers will bleed through the paper. The thin Mr. Sketch scented markers and other children's markers work well. Crayola makes a good marker, too, that has a medium tip.
One small vase with a fresh flower on each table, small so that they don't obscure vision across table.
One small candle on each table is a nice touch but not necessary (some venues have rules against open flames).
An additional worktable for supplies on the side of the room is useful.
A tape player recorder and/or CD player with good speakers for playing music should be lively, jazz or other up-beat styles. IPods that sit in docks will work, too.
Microphones (hand held is fine) if the size of the group warrants it. I find that over 35 people in a room necessitates a microphone.
Plants around the room are a nice addition, if available.
Flip charts with unlined paper are useful for capturing the shared ideas at the end of the Café. Markers for flip charts should be broad-tip bold. When using the overhead system flip charts are unnecessary. Many visual recorders use mural paper, and this is great if space permits.
If possible it is good to have coffee, water and snacks on a sideboard during the cafe. However, these can be available on breaks instead.
Determine in advance where you will post the work as it is created during the final harvesting. Also bring artist’s or painter’s tape that does not remove paint. For some surfaces, like fabric walls, have thumb tacks or pins available.
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